about us
Established in 1939, the Federation of Business and Professional Women is an all-volunteer, apolitical organisation, with clubs and members throughout Aotearoa.
Our members come from all backgrounds, including women that have left the paid workforce.
​BPW NZ is an affiliate of BPW International, one of the most influential international networks of business and professional women with affiliates over 100 countries around the world.​
BPW International has General Consultative Status at the United Nations through the UN Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). This enables BPW International to appoint official representatives to UN agencies worldwide and to accredit members to attend specific UN meetings.

bpw collect
The first BPW Collect was written in 1904 by Colorado member Mary Stewart. In 2008, an Alternate Collect was agreed as an option that could appeal to a broader group of women. It was adopted at the XXVI Congress in Mexico City.
Our Collect is said at the beginning of meetings and events to install in us a sense of unity and intention in our work together.
Keep us, O God, from pettiness, Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed; May we put away all pretences and meet each other face to face - without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous, Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene, gentle; teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know, the great common human heart of us all. And O Lord God, let us not forget to be kind.
We ask: • That we meet together as women, not allowing beliefs, religion, nationality, ethnicity or language to come between us. • That these meetings enable us to move forward and advance the status of women throughout the world. • That the value of women be recognized in our families, our communities, our workplaces, our country and the world. • That we use our good ideas, our knowledge, our experience to promote the worth of women. • That we combine our strengths to move forward in peace, in serenity and in love. • That women of all generations will do their part to achieve harmony and equality among all human beings.
Working for the equality & empowerment of all women & girls
To be the leading New Zealand organisation representing the interests of working women and advancing the status of all women - a just and equal status for women in all levels and areas of society where decisions are taken in true partnership with men, based on a mutual respect, for a more balanced and peaceful world.
To achieve a just and equal status for women in all levels and areas of society where decisions are taken in true partnership with men, based on a mutual respect, for a more balanced and peaceful world
To obtain for women: Equality, Education, Economic empowerment, Personal development, Political awareness
Integrity | Respect | Excellence | Generosity | Unity
National executive
We are led by our National Executive, voted in at our Annual General Meeting. They are responsible for representing BPW NZ nationally, supporting clubs and members, and ensuring that our policy and procedures are adhered to.​
(From left to right)
Young BPW Alice Kibble; Treasurer Natasha Dixon; Vice President - Issues Siobhan Dilly, President Janet Gibb, Vice President - Membership Rebecca Treeby, Secretary Sherryll Markie-Brookes, Immediate Past President Christine Berridge